The regeneration of Australia’s food and farming systems
29 August 2023
29 August 2023

Woorabinda Community Native Food Project

Grant Amount: $15,000

Region: Woorabinda, QLD

Delivered by: Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council

Year funded: 2022

Project status: In progress

The Challenge

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the first farmers on this land and have been living in reciprocity with Country for thousands of years. However, as a result of colonisation, First Nations communities have faced substantial systemic economic and social barriers to food sovereignty and security.

The Innovation

Woori Mini Farm is a community food garden and therapeutic space for locals created by the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council. Woorabinda has a rich history in farming and this program has the potential to inspire more people in the community to grow their own produce or sell in markets.

Beyond the agricultural benefits and potential to nurture a new industry in the area, the farm plays a vital role in fostering social and emotional well-being within the community.

Sustainable Table has provided funding to support the farm's expansion, enabling it to grow its impact in the community and serve as a model for similar ventures in the future.

The project’s key objectives are:

  • Increased knowledge about growing local food
  • Increased access to free food resources

Why did Sustainable Table fund this project?

The thinking and framing from the Woorabinda team have been impressive. They are deeply considered, taking a long-term approach but wanting to lay the foundations right from the outset. They are well connected across research and partnerships for their bush food commercialisation work and have strong leadership from Elders. This first small step can help lay the foundations for economic self-determination, right livelihoods on Country, land rehabilitation and enhanced health outcomes.

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