The regeneration of Australia’s food and farming systems
3 people holding papers crouching over in a lush green paddock conducting soil health tests.
A wild piece of land covered in tall grasses, bushes and a tree. The sky is blue with wisps of white cloud.
3 people holding papers crouching over in a lush green paddock conducting soil health tests.
A wild piece of land covered in tall grasses, bushes and a tree. The sky is blue with wisps of white cloud.
10 January 2024
10 January 2024

Growing the Impact of Regenerative Agriculture in Tasmania

Grant Amount: $37,000

Region: Tasmania

Delivered by: Regenerative Agriculture Network Tasmania

Year funded: 2023

Project status: In progress

The Challenge

Providing regenerative farmers with access to training, demonstrations, research, resources, advocacy, networking, and collaboration opportunities is crucial for the successful implementation of regenerative practices. This multifaceted support system equips farmers with the knowledge, tools, and networks they need. However, fragmented resources, limited funding, and bureaucratic hurdles often complicate this process. Without sufficient support, farmers may find it challenging to access the necessary information and assistance, hindering their ability to adopt and sustain regenerative agriculture practices effectively.

The Innovation

Regenerative Agriculture Network Tasmania (RANT) is an innovative community group dedicated to supporting farmers in producing food and fibre while enhancing soil health, biodiversity, profitability, and overall well-being. RANT offers training, demonstrations, research, resources, advocacy, networking, and collaboration opportunities. One of their significant achievements includes conducting government-funded grazing trials to gather evidence and experience in rapidly regenerating landscape function.

RANT aims to expand its capacity to significantly increase the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across Tasmania while ensuring the organisation remains constitutionally sound and sustainable in the long term. To support this, Sustainable Table is funding RANT to refine its model and develop an investment strategy to enhance its education, training, research, and advocacy efforts, thereby building organisational resilience.

The project's key objectives include:

  • Building RANT's organisational capacity to amplify past trials, evidence gathering, mentoring, advocacy, and education to boost on-farm regenerative outcomes.
  • Increasing RANT’s ability to support farmers in enhancing landscape function, stabilising their businesses, and improving their well-being.
  • Developing necessary documentation to attract funding, thereby increasing the organisation’s sustainability and resilience, and achieving the goals of improved land, business stability, and farmer well-being.

Why did Sustainable Table fund this project?

Sustainable Table funded RANT because of its potential for significant growth and impact in the field of regenerative farming. RANT is at an exciting inflection point with opportunities for scaling, innovation, and collaboration with First Nations communities. The organisation has a solid foundation of experience and is well-regarded across Tasmania. With investment, RANT can access the necessary business development and organisational capacity support to reposition itself for future growth.. Sustainable Table sees this as a critical phase for RANT, aiming to build resilience and secure additional co-investment to support their mission.

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